Most of you know we have settled in and are enjoying our time here in the Azores. We just wanted to share a little about the island and our experiences here. The name of the specific island we live on is
Terceira. In Portugese this means "third" because it was the 3rd island discovered as well as the the 3rd largest.
The Azorean way of life is very relaxed and old fashioned. It is not at all uncommon for us to be driving down the street next to a herd of cattle. A few weeks ago we were driving down the main street in town and were amazed to see a single cow trotting along with the flow of traffic, literally in between cars. As far as we know this is not an everyday occurrance, but were also not at all surprised. As we have driven around the island just to get a feel for our new home, we have been caught behind a donkey or horse pulling a cart full of fresh milk. In fact, if you are driving around base at the right time, you can see the same man beating his knarled horse with a stick as he takes his daily trip to drop off milk somewhere in town.
We are awed almost daily at our ocean view and sunrises. Because we live on the north-eastern side of the island we get sunrises instead of sunsets, but they are just as glorious. We also enjoy the reminder of God's promise to never destroy the Earth with a flood again. The rainbows are just as magnificent and all too common, but we still enjoy them...almost daily.