Most of you know, we are in the US visiting friends and family while Chris is taking a school in Atlanta. All three of us enjoyed some time in Phoenix just relaxing, hanging out with family and catching up with friends before parting company. Chris then headed East to Atlanta to sit in front of a computer for three weeks, while Elijah and I spent a couple of days in Southern California and then headed north to Roseville. It was good to see friends and family in Orange County, but unfortunately there is never enough time to catch everyone. For those of you we didn't see, we truly missed you. It was a genuine surprise visit because my mom actually had no clue we were coming. Needless to say she has enjoyed every moment with us.
Everyday, Elijah is doing and saying new things. He has the essentials down including 'mama' 'dada' 'poop' 'dog' 'grandpa' and 'grandma'. Everytime he sees a dog he just wants to play. Check out the new videos and watch him thoroughly enjoy harassing Aunt Alexa's little puppies.
He also likes playing in the water. I think he may be our little swimmer in the future. He's got it down.