Friday, October 26, 2007
Letting the Cat Out...
As some of you already know, I have been in the process of getting a teaching job here at the military school. Well, I got it. It changes some of our plans and allows for others, but all together it is a great deal. I only teach 1/2 day Kindergarten from 8-11. It still gives me most of the day with Elijah and I get a chance to get out and relate to others as well. I had to pass off my leadership of MOPS to my other ladies, which saddens me, but I really feel like this is an amazing and rare opportunity for me to find a part time teaching position, especially with us being overseas. I just wanted to share the great news with all our family and friends because the BIG announcement went out to the parents today. Because I am coming in with the year already starting, it means there will be adjustments and frustrations for the parents. Those are the people I am most worried about having to deal with.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Places to Play
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Fun New Activities
Elijah is at the stage now where new things are not happening everyday, but life is still just as exciting. There are some newer big boy things he is doing, including:
- Blowing kisses
- Giving kisses
- Signing many new words (he is learning to communicate with words rather than screaming for things-It's wonderful not to hear the screams of frustration)
- Saying some animal and other object names
- Getting his 2 year old molars (already)
- Running with all his might (including some good falls)
- Repeating words (Be careful what you say to him)
- Tantrums- not so fun
- Pointing to things, saying "dat," and waiting for you to tell him what it's called
- Using 'please' and 'thank you'
- Calling for 'mama' and 'dada'
- Fake laughing or laughing with everybody else (it's hilarious)
- Turning his head so you can't 'see' him and then saying "Boo!"
- Pulling toys around like a dog on a leash
- He has stopped using a pacifier!!!! BIG step, he loved that thing. Now he just clings to his silky blanket at bed time.
He is running around everywhere and is definitely a boy to the core. Today he was running at full speed and crashed face first into the gravel. The gravel won. It didn't faze him too much because he picked himself up, cried for a few seconds, got some mommy love, and then was off to discover the world again.
He is fascinated with aircraft. If he is inside and hears a jet he runs to the window to find it, point and say, "Dat, dat, dat!" until you acknowledge his exciting find. If he is already outside, he squints and searches the sky for 'dat' so he can point at it. I'm sure you will all be amazed to hear that we do see plenty of airplanes and helicopters on a daily basis, so he gets lots of practice.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
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