Last week we had a last minute visit from our friends, the Grubb's who live in Cypress, CA. They were traveling through our area and stayed the night with us. It was definitely a full house with all the beds and floor space occupied, but we had a blast! The kids enjoyed playing and we all enjoyed the food and fellowship. Thanks for coming by to visit, entertain us, and prepare me for a house full of noisy children. 
Elijah is usually in for a good laugh. Sometimes he just dissapears for a few minutes and comes back with a mischevious look on his face. Usually it's harmless, but he has discovered something new to play with or has gotten into something he knows he's not supposed to play with and it is reflected in his face. This time, Elijah had gone outside to play for a while and came back in just laughing histerically saying "grandpa's baseball" repeatedly. When we turned to see what had occurred this is what we saw:
He's always keeping us on our toes with kodak moments.