There have been many changes in our lives, as most of you already know, but there are a few things that we haven't updated y'all on since the obvious change has been very time consuming. First of all, we are no longer headed to Incirlik Turkey. They have reassigned us to Travis AFB in CA. We are currently scheduled to arrive sometime in December. We have been house hunting because we are planning on buying, but are still in the early stages. We have mixed feelings about this transition because we were really looking forward to living in another country again and experiencing another culture (not to mention the shopping options ie Turkish rugs). We were also looking forward to more European travels, but that has come to an end for now.
We are excited about coming back to the US and settling down for a few years, finding a church home and getting involved in the community. We have truly missed intimate friendship and regular fellowship with other believers so we will take full advantage of this opportunity. Travis is also close to 'home' so we are looking forward to staying connected with our 'old friends' and letting Grandparents spend time with the kiddos!
We are thoroughly enjoying our little princesses and are all adjusting rather well. The girls are sleeping well at night and giving Mommy a little break. They are on a pretty good schedule, but still eat every 3 hours during the day. They are slowly working on sleeping through the night. In fact last night they went 7 1/2 hours! Yeah Baby Wise. For those of you who don't know what that is it's a book that teaches parents how to schedule their babies and train them to sleep through the night within the first few months of life. Without it, I think I would go insane.
Chris just left today and will be back for sure in December sometime. Elijah cried most of the way home from the airport when he realized Daddy would be gone for a while again. So we are back to life with Mommy as a single parent...Not so exciting!