Sunday, August 26, 2007


World Travelers

Most of the craziness is coming to an end. Susan has been here for over a week and still has a week to go. She's been super helpful and we all have enjoyed her company, especially Little E. Karissa is back home from her softball tournament in Italy. They played their best, but it just wasn't the best of all the teams. They came home with O wins, lots of memories and tons of laughs. She enjoyed her time with the girls, but missed the fam. Luckily, the losing gave them a couple of extra free days to travel, so as a team they went to Florence and Venice. In Florence they saw the statue of David and other local tourist attractions. In Venice they went on a Gondola ride, walked over the bridge of Sighs, and toured San Marco square. They were both beautiful cities, but Venice was definitely the most romantic city of the two. There were little restaurants overlooking the waterways, beautiful buildings, flowers and an aura of romance.