Sunday, April 4, 2010

An Extra-Special Easter Present

Tonight I was talking with Elijah about Easter and why we celebrate it. He told me it was because Jesus died on the cross and then came back to life. We ended up in a sweet child-like conversation about Jesus coming to live in our hearts when suddenly he stopped, closed his eyes and prayed that Jesus would come live in his heart. What an amazingly, indescribable, parental moment. Immediately following that he began goofing off and being his usual silly self, but it was so special because there was no prompting. He just wanted Jesus to live in his heart, so he asked him. What a great day to celebrate what Christ has done for us by celebrating the 'new life' of my child!

Easter 2010

We went to church this morning and were reminded of the reason we are Christians...Christ came into the World, died for our sins and raised from the dead to conquer death. AMEN. We spent the day celebrating with family and friends. Here are a few pictures of the day.