Sunday, December 21, 2008


We are currently in a new state of transition. Rather than being separated with Chris in the Azores and the rest of us living with my parents, we have moved to Travis and are currently living in a hotel suite on base. We are settling in and learning how to be a family of 5. Elijah is loving having Daddy around again, but he is still a little leary about whether Daddy will return every time he leaves even to go to work or to run a quick errand. We are in the process of buying a house and hoping to settle in soon. For now, the best way to reach us is through email. If you want to call us, send an email and we will get you a phone number. We just got cell phones so we can reached at all times.
Becasue of being in transition our blogging will be sporatic and will probably not have many pictures. We will try our best to keep you informed, but please be patient for the next few months as we figure this all out.