Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Busy Busy...

I just started school last week, so the blog may continue to get neglected for the next few months. Hopefully, not, but I can't promise much. A quick update...the girls will be turning one next week. I should be able to put a few pictures up after the parties. Elijah has decided to be a BIG boy and ride his bike without training wheels. Amazing! He's like a little speed racer. He is still learning that when he stops the bike falls over. He has a few scratches now.
The girls started taking their first steps on Monday. They will walk a few steps across the room, but they often plop to the floor and just crawl instead. We are doing well and are still deciding what to do next. Chris's time will be up in the military come the end of this year. We haven't completely decided to stay in or get out. Keep us in your prayers for that big decision.