Monday, December 31, 2007

Babies Long Ago

I was browsing through some photos and came across a few of Chris and I as babies. I guess it gives a little reference to the question I posted a few days ago. I think I was about the same age as Elijah is now, but Chris is younger. Susan, how old is he here?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Family Christmas

We celebrated Christmas Eve with Friends and fellowship beginning at the candelight service at the Chapel. We are missing you all and wishing we could celebrate together.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays

It has been great to be home to relax and spend time with Elijah. I am loving every minute and questioning my decision to work. I only have 5 more months and then we will be together again. It also makes me miss family and friends during this season. Y'all are missed!!! Yesterday, was a day of celebration with some of friends we have made since being here. We ate ham and cornish game hens with all fixins. Yum! Elijah enjoyed tearing into the presents, being amazed for a couple of seconds, throwing the new toy on the floor and moving on to the next pretty box. He was a joy to watch.
We have some Christmas Eve pictures taken while we were all dressed up, but they are on a friends camera, so we will get those to you when we receive them. Merry Christmas, we send our love!
Who does Elijah look like in these last two pictures?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words

This one is for Suzanne McKay.
It was his second attemt to eat all by himself!

Christmas came a little early because we ran out of room under the tree.
Somebody is getting spoiled this year.
Got milk? or Baby powder?