Friday, August 29, 2008

More Good Times and Good Friends

Last week we had a last minute visit from our friends, the Grubb's who live in Cypress, CA. They were traveling through our area and stayed the night with us. It was definitely a full house with all the beds and floor space occupied, but we had a blast! The kids enjoyed playing and we all enjoyed the food and fellowship. Thanks for coming by to visit, entertain us, and prepare me for a house full of noisy children.
Elijah is usually in for a good laugh. Sometimes he just dissapears for a few minutes and comes back with a mischevious look on his face. Usually it's harmless, but he has discovered something new to play with or has gotten into something he knows he's not supposed to play with and it is reflected in his face. This time, Elijah had gone outside to play for a while and came back in just laughing histerically saying "grandpa's baseball" repeatedly. When we turned to see what had occurred this is what we saw:
He's always keeping us on our toes with kodak moments.

Not So Sleepy

I was feeling better so I thought it would be a good time to take pictures. Some nights I get a good night's sleep, other times I am restless, so I try to take advantage of the good times. I have no more than 17 days to go, hopefully a few less than that. I am being checked on at least twice weekly now in some form or another and everything is still looking great, acording to them, that is. I beg to differ most of the time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

33 weeks...27 more days max.

If you can't tell I am counting down the days. For those of you who are unaware of the situation, the doctor has promised to induce me on September 15 if our bundles have not yet arrived. I am feeling exhausted, which you can see in the picture. All the exhaustion is due to pregnancy, lack of excellent sleep and having to chase Elijah around. Some days I really struggle to keep up with him. I am getting more uncomfortable as the days go by, but all in all I am feeling ok. I definitely feel the weight of both babies and have no clue how women can carry more than two. I give them props.

Monday, August 11, 2008

So Much To Do

Grandpa taught Elijah the new hobby of blowing things. He thinks it is hilarious and tried to blow many objects from dust and feathers to balls. A few days after his lesson with Grandpa Elijah decided to put it to the test after playing in the water. He ran over to the dirt pile and tried to blow it away. Needless to say, his entire face was covered in mud and his eyes bothered him the rest of the night, but what a view as I captured the moment!
He has also become extrememely fascinated with motorcycles since Grandpa rides a motorcyle to work everyday. This Saturday Elijah was being Grandpa's BIG helper while they worked on the motorcyle. He even got to test the helmet! I am sure I don't need to tell everybody that Elijah gets spoiled at Grandma and Grandpa's house, but he gets new toys regularly. His newest addition is a Slip and Slide. We pulled it out today and tried to teach him how to run and slide to the end. He caught on but wasn't too sure of the actual dive at the end. Elijah has been practicing daily to keep up the Boon cycling tradition. He often raids the closets for cycling gear to test out including helmets, gloves, shoes, pumps, etc. Today he found Grandma's road shoes. He put them on and immediately ran to his own bike outside to test their efficiency.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Week 30...almost 31

Sorry it's been so long, but if I post a picture every week you won't be able to see the difference.
We went last week to take pictures to send to Daddy and here is one of the precious moments caught on camera! What a cutie!